Woodvale Primary School Business Plan, Located in Perth's Northern suburbs, has provided quality education to students for 35 years since opening in 1987. Woodvale Primary School is one of two kindergarten to year 6 governmebt primary schools in Woodvale. Parent involvement is a feature of the school with an active and engaged Parents and Citizen's (P&C) Association and School Board.
The school came to Pineapple Planet for a website re-design to better reflect the school. The website is a core tool for the school community and needed to perform in such a way that was easy to navigate.
A photoshoot was undertaken at the school to gain up to date and professional images of the school and its students showing them in the happy learning environment that is Woodvale Primary School.
We also created a new graphic element that now carries through all documentation including the website. Pineapple also create are cartoon Kookaburra that depicts the school values.
The Woodvale Primary School Business Plan is part of the re-branding of the school. All internal documents were re-designed to carry the new look. Consistency is now achieved for all communication from the school ... right down to the email footers for staff.
We look forward to a long working relationship with Woodvale Primary.