TEC Services Pineaple Planet

TEC Services Group Website and Marketing Material

TEC Services Group first contacted Pineapple Planet in 2015 to create a new Brand Logo for the fast growing company supplying electrical contracting to the WA Mining Industry apart from creating the initial brand we we went on to create their extensive TEC Services Group Website.

It was clear from the outset that TEC Services were to become one of the largest players in their field. Led by the ethos of a company focused on long term strategic planning TEC Services created a customer centric company culture that empowers their team to do their best work every time, on time. This high performance culture of accountability and responsibility allows them to guarantee the quality and consistency of their work. They are committed to finding the best solution for our clients.

After creating the initial brand, it quickly expanded to six divisions so Pineapple created colour coded brands for each division which translates into all marketing material and the website. A complete Company Profile document was designed which was then split into their individual sections to create 6 documents that can be used in isolation when needed.

The TEC Services Group Website is a complete over arching website showcasing their servicing and approach as well as individual projects they have overseen. The website is highly visual and informative with the branding from the website being in-line with all their marketing communication.

Pineapple Planet also undertake Linkedin marketing as well as ongoing support for document creation for tenders and general marketing plus the website is completely Search Engine Optimised for Google positioning.

Pineapple Planet loves a client success story, not entirely down to us because of their entrepreneurial Managing Director, but, we are privileged to be part of the journey and be their creative partner to provide solutions and support with all their marketing requirements.

TEC Services Pineaple Planet
TEC Services Pineaple Planet
TEC Services Pineaple Planet
TEC Services Pineaple Planet
TEC Services Pineaple Planet